Monday, 29 October 2012

Presentation on Leżajsk

In addition to making a video on their school, the pupils of Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 w Leżajsku (Leżajsk Primary School No. 2) made a PowerPoint presentation on their home town (available on so that the partner institutions’ communities could get to know what its landmarks are.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Video on the school

The first task for all the project partners was to make short movies on their schools. 

Friday, 19 October 2012

About the project

This project deals with different aspects of a "healthy school" in order to create a good learning environment. It focuses both on a "healthy body" and a "healthy mind". Therefore it includes activities connected with a healthy nutrition, getting fit, means of solving conflicts, establishing school rules, making the school a peaceful place where everyone is respected. The pupils will also be encouraged to think about a healthy lifestyle in general, outside school. The information will be passed on between the partner institutions via questionnaires, ranking lists, multimedia presentations, photos and videos. The final product of the project will be a booklet in which lots of tips for a "healthy school" will be collected. 

Friday, 5 October 2012

Welcome to the blog!

Welcome to the blog on the activities connected with the implementation of one of the Comenius multilateral partnerships programme projects – “Healthy kids – healthy school”. The site is run by the school community of Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 w Leżajsku (Leżajsk Primary School No. 2, Poland).