Wednesday, 24 April 2013

"The School Prevention Day"

An event called “The School Prevention Day”, held in Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 w Leżajsku (Leżajsk Primary School No. 2) at the beginning of April 2013, included the pupils’ performances promoting healthy lifestyle issues. It was the final part of a four-week educational campaign conducted under the motto: “No acts of aggression!, No addictive substances!”, comprising health-related classes and the whole school literary and art contests.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Results of "Let's relax" questionnaire

“Let’s relax” questionnaire was worked out by the community of Istituto Comprensivo n.3 from Imola. In Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 w Leżajsku (Leżajsk Primary School No. 2) 157 pupils aged 7-12 filled in the questionnaire letting their teachers know what they usually do in their free time. The results of the survey were a starting point for discussions during classes on how the pupils’ less appropriate attitudes towards their ways of relaxing should be changed.

Here is the questionnaire template:

Here is the overall evaluation of the survey (the results from all partner schools):

Here are the questionnaire results from Leżajsk: