Tuesday, 7 January 2014

"Keep yourself fit" programme

In 2013 Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 w Leżajsku (Leżajsk Primary School No. 2) joined a nationwide project “Keep yourself fit” whose key objective was developing pupils' responsibility for their own and others' health. 

The school community from Leżajsk accomplished the following project tasks: giving classes on proper nourishing habits and the importance of exercising, carrying out healthy lifestyle-related poems recitation and art competitions, making a pro-health multimedia presentation, working out Proper Nutrition Card and a quiz concerning healthy eating rules.

In December 2013 the final part of the activities took place. In the school gym a poem recitation contest “Let’s take care of ourselves” was held, followed by a PowerPoint presentation “Be active” and a quiz “Are you familiar with what you eat?”.