Friday, 28 December 2012

“A School Day With No Aggression” (a preventive project)

In the first half of December 2012 a number of activities related to the implementation of the project called "A School Day With No Aggression" (worked out by the Team of Teachers for Preventing and Solving Educational Problems) were carried out in our school. It was a preventive undertaking going under the slogan “Let’s Be Kind and Helpful”, and whose key objectives could be summarised as follows: prevention of socially undesirable behaviour – aggression and violence; moulding pro-health attitudes; popularising the rules of proper interpersonal communication; developing in a person a sense of responsibility for themselves and others.

The project comprised such activities as: giving classes promoting a sense of safety while being educated; organising two competitions – a literary one (writing greetings-wishes concerning the celebration of A School Day With No Aggression) and an art one (making an emblem symbolising kindness); holding school exhibitions with the competitions prizewinning entries; putting on a play; creating a thematic multimedia presentation; issuing a special edition of Luzik (a magazine edited by the students of our school) devoted to ways of preventing aggression in educational centres; creating a wall newspaper depicting the history of “World Hello Day” (21st November) and putting it in the main hallway of the school building.

On 14th December the final part of all the project activities took place. First the audience gathered in the school gym saw a short play on the relevant subject-matter performed by the students of class 5 b. The performance was followed by a PowerPoint presentation on counteracting violence. Moreover, the results of both competitions were announced and the authors of the prizewinning works were awarded. All those participating in the event also had the opportunity to taste some healthy fruit- and vegetables-based food.