Wednesday, 20 November 2013

"Let's get fit" programme

At the beginning of September 2013 the community of Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 w Leżajsku (Leżajsk Primary School No. 2) launched a multilayered programme promoting fitness and a healthy lifestyle, prepared by a group of teachers from Lousada. The undertaking called Let’s get fit was aimed at children aged 6–15 and designed to improve their strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordination.
In the Leżajsk school the programme was implemented in two cycles (6 – 9-year-olds; 10 – 12-year-olds) in nine weeks – the activities were done during Physical Education lessons as well as extracurricular classes. The enterprise was successful, as demonstrated by the results of some standard fitness tests, which the pupils participating in the programme took straight after the completion of the task, compared to the results of these tests taken by the same children five months before. 

Except for developing their physical skills, the pupils also shaped a sense of self-esteem and got to know the rules of fair sports rivalry. The PE teachers supervising the whole enterprise decided to carry on with it and included its guidelines in their curricula for the following school term.

Here are some photos of the pupils from Leżajsk doing fitness activities:

Here are two videos on how the programme was implemented in Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 w Leżajsku (Leżajsk Primary School No. 2):



Here is one out of three fitness lesson plans worked out by the teachers from Lousada: