In October 2013 class 5b of Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 w
Leżajsku (Leżajsk Primary School No. 2) implementing one of the main
objectives of the project ”Healthy kids
– healthy school” – spreading the healthy lifestyle among young people – made a set
of 10 pictures entitled “Co warto zobaczyć w Leżajsku” (“Places worth seeing in
Leżajsk”) and submitted it to the photo competition “Nasza piękna okolica” (“Beauty of the area we live in”) organized
as part of Poland’s nationwide campaign “Zachowaj Trzeźwy Umysł 2013” (”Keep
a Sober Mind 2013”).
The pictures were taken by the
pupils during some walking and biking tours around Leżajsk. The enterprise was for
its attendants a great way of getting to know their home town better as well as
going in for active tourism.