Thursday, 13 February 2014

Healthy and tasty food - recipes from Germany

Baked apples with vanilla sauce

4                           apples
50 g                      almonds (splintered)
50 g                      raisins
4 teaspoons          apricot jam or honey
a pinch of            cinnamon
1 tablespoon         starch
1                           egg yolk
½ l                        milk
20 g                      sugar
1 teaspoon           vanilla sugar

  • wash the apples
  • remove the cores 
  • mix the almonds, raisins and cinnamon
  • fill it into the apples
  • butter a baking pan and put the apples inside
  • put a small piece of butter on each apple  
  • bake the apples in the oven (pre-heated) at 200 degrees for 25 minutes

    For the vanilla sauce
  • mix starch and egg yolk with 2 tablespoons cold milk
  • let the rest of the milk boil with the sugar and vanilla sugar
  • add the starch mixture with a whisk
  • let it boil again for a short time (1 minute or so) 

Potato Salad with “bouletten” (meat balls)

Potato Salad
1 kg                      potatoes
150 ml                   vegetable or meat broth
6 tablespoons       vinegar
5 tablespoons       sunflower oil
2                           onions
1 teaspoon           mustard

  • boil the potatoes for approximately 30 minutes
  • cut the onions in very small pieces
  • mix vinegar, vegetable or meat broth, oil, onions and mustard
  • peel the potatoes as hot as possible, cut them into small pieces or slices and mix them with the sauce

Meat Balls
400 g                    minced meat
1                           old roll or piece of white bread
1                           small onion
3 tablespoons       mustard
1                           egg
                            salt, pepper, caraway, marjoram

  • put the roll into a bowl of water and let it soak for 30 minutes, wring it out afterwards
  • cut the onion into small pieces
  • mix the meat, onion, roll, mustard, egg and spices together well
  • form little balls with your and and press them flat
  • fry them in oil

Potato soup

700 g                    potatoes
1                           carrot
100g                     celery
1                           onion
1                           clove of garlic
2 tablespoons       oil
1                           bayleaf
800 ml                  vegetable broth
100 ml                  cream
                            salt, pepper, nutmeg

wash the potatos, carrot and celery
peel them and cut them into cubes (1 cm)
cut the onion and garlic into very small pieces
fry the onion and garlic at a low temperature
add the broth and then the vegetables
add the bayleaf
cook it until the vegetables are soft
remove the bayleaf
blend it with an immersion blender (if you haven’t got one, mash it)
add spices
add the cream

serve it with chopped parsley if you like